
Archive for March 2nd, 2007

I must be honest with my readers, this morning is rough. It is currently 6:00 a.m., last night I over-indulged in a few alcoholic beverages. I’ve got to be at work in an hour, my head is pulsating, my mouth tastes horrible and my eyes are glassy. I realize that even at the young age of 23, I can not do what I used to at 21, going out midweek to “party.” However, there was a positive that came out of it.

After the two friends I had over left, my roommate came home. Let’s call him “Bob.” Clearly in a more intoxicated state than he was, Bob decides to rouse up a conversation about life and women, something I was prone to discuss while intoxicated. Maybe it was I who started the whole thing, but either way, I came upon a realization.

Bob is not a mean person. He is actually a very sincere, well meaning, caring person. Bob, however, is sort of rash sometimes. He could come across as a “dick” to some people.

So Bob and I begin this conversation about women and why I haven’t found “the girl of my dreams.”

I said to Bob: “I’m not looking. And if I was, I’d be more actively pursuing it.”

Bob says: “No, it’s because your standards are impossible, so even if you were looking, you’d have a hell of a time finding her.”

In my defense, my standards (personality not looks) are pretty darn high. Is it bad to desire a woman with a brain?

So I say: “Well, if I found a woman who was a 7 in the looks department, and had an invigorating personality and intelligence, it would make her a 9.”

Bob goes on to say that while that is not impossible, it is difficult to find. Then he hits me with a left hook that still stings me now, as if it had just been swung.

“You’ve had intelligent women. Your last girlfriend was an intelligent woman and you were at each other’s throats! You guys argued about everything because she challenged every statement you made! You’re attracted to dominant women who are not submissive but you desire a submissive woman with a brain. It’s impossible.”

Now that, is eye opening. While it’s true, I was raised in a European old style background in which women are a bit more submissive than in today’s culture, I debate the fact that I am attracted to a dominant woman. But, as scary as that is, it has given me something to think about.

There was a lot more, it was actually a three hour conversation, but as I kept indulging in beer, it’s tough to remember the intricacies of conversation.

I then mentioned to Bob about this blog, how I was on a mission to teach the world that a nice guy can make it with women, that he can have his opinion respected. That he can get the trophy girl by not treating her like “shit.”

He laughed.

“Good luck”

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